Human Issues

Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention

Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention (SACI) is a registered student organization comprised of Undergraduate and Graduate student volunteers who are active in the movement against gendered violence. SACI members  are trained to provide advocacy to survivors of sexual violence. Members can be trained to help staff a24-hour crisis line, medical advocacy, and peer educators. The group works with the MSU Counseling Center Sexual Assault Program to provide support, empathy, and information to survivors of gendered violence. SACI delivers assistance to those who have been traumatized by sexual assault and coordinates programs that focus on awareness and prevention.

Time Commitment:  1 Year

CATA Accessible: Yes

To volunteer at this organization please click here

Source: SACI




House of Promise

The House of Promise is an origination that provides survivors of sex abuse and sex trafficking unconditional love, acceptance, and a place to heal. Their goal is to disrupt the destructive patterns of slavery through education and care for the survivors. They do this through training, counseling, and helping the young girls/women relearn basic skills, so that they can rebuild their lives and reintegrate into society.

Time Commitment: Varies

CATA Accessible: Unknown

To volunteer at this organization please click here

Source: House of Promise




Michigan State University Safe Place

MSU Safe Place is a program that addresses relationship violence and stalking. We are located on the campus of Michigan State University and serve students, faculty, staff, their spouses/partners and non-affiliated members in the Greater Lansing Area.They provide advocacy, emergency shelter, counseling, support groups, safety planning, information and referrals to survivors of violence and their minor children. All support services are free and confidential. 

Time Commitment: 4 months 

CATA Accessible: Yes

To volunteer at this organization please click here

Source: MSU Safe Place



Ending Violent Encounters (E.V.E)

EVE provides supportive services to survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence, while empowering our community through education and awareness. Programs are client centered and free. They are designed to empower survivors by assisting with housing, legal issues, parenting, job skills, health and safety issues.

Time Commitment: 4 Months

CATA Accessible: Yes

To volunteer at this organization please click here

Source: Ending Violent Encounters